Why take a four wheel drive course.
1. Improper operation of your vehicle can cost you
thousands of dollars worth of damage to a vehicle
Level I 4WD Training Outings
Have you bought a new 4 wheel drive are you a agency
needing training for your staff
Our class is 30% theory 70 % practical Certificate for
level one training can be provided upon request.

Classroom, hands-on workshop, trail rides. Learn how to
operate a 4 wheel drive .aid, relief, humanitarian ,disaster
training. Operate a 4 drive safely and competently
4x4 vehicle basics .Introduction to different 4wd systems.
Vehicle inspection. Trail safety and etiquette.
Driver strategy Basic recovery techniques.
General safety for off-roading
Approach, departure, break-over and rollover angles
When to use high- and low-range (the little gearstick)
Differentials, hubs and traction control
Private instruction 895 per day
Course price 1 day 195.00 per student 4 to 8 students
per class
Specialized anti carjacking courses
We offer Corporate and Private clients anti-carjacking
awareness training. Evasive actions (J-turns, bootlegger
turns, ramming, and 90 degree slide stops for protective
detail driving} Vehicle Security Awareness Car-Jacking
 take a anti carjacking course
. If your a doctor lawyer or CEO your worth it
2.Youve become a target you spend a lot of
money to go on a Hunting trip or travel overseas but what is
your security worth to your family of yourself.
st of above course: If you pre-pay 10 days in advance of
the course date you save 25% and pay only US$952 per person.
Within 10 days you US$1,190 per person.