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 Zen  Master  In Houston

sensei sits Master Hughes copyright 2012
 Dai osho, Master Hughes, Shinkai-kosei, Deep ocean

Zen Master Hughes in Houston. The Venerable Master Hughes or Roshi is a highly respected  Zen Master and highly recognized for his humanitarian work.      Presently in Houston  TX and quietly visiting many of the local temples.  His office is in Jacksonville Texas.

Master Hughes is highly  recognized for  his accomplishments .

Master Hughes once stated " what good is a monk who accomplishes a life of sitting in robes without leaving his mark on the world."

 Master Hughes is an engaged Buddhist his past speaks for itself, he clearly defines action over opinions. He is the most accomplished Zen master in Texas,  a life long advocate and antiviolence expert, from sitting on committees to working on  internet infrastructure, to training executives in security and safety procedures,  his is a life of action not talk.

 Master Hughes most recently was called to New york to provide safety training for an international company .  It is good that someone in the Buddhist community is so recognized. His expertise also includes training for humanitarian workers in traumatic stress and antiviolence programs.  He has trained thousands of individuals including law enforcement  and crisis center workers.
Well known for his work having spent twenty years working with  troubled and violent youth.  

 His Buddhist name reflects his depth of knowledge, he has lectured at many institutions including the Killeen leadership academy and the University of Texas.

He was the first Buddhist Master to be recognized  in the north east Texas area appearing in numerous articles. Even though he has appeared before thousands of people he is still a relatively  quiet person often staying at the center quietly doing his  humanitarian work.

 Grand Master of the Martial arts, his martial arts career  spanned 30 years. Martial artists have come from all over to meet him.


Master Hughes  has provided training to many influential agencies such as NASA,  Boys and girls club of America,  East Texas Crisis centers

He was most recently in 2010 mentioned in a Houston chronicle article. he is often contacted by news agencies such as the washington post.

Master Hughes has a long list of accomplishments, the last being  recognition from SOS coordinator at NASA for Providing support in Training of Government employees. and in Senate of the State of Texas 2007.

  He holds an  M.S. degree  in Management of Technology  from the University of Texas  school of Business and Technology Specialty training and development, an A.S. in Criminal justice and a  B.S. degree in Criminology with a focus in social pathology. 

 Master Hughes  has  became well known for his involvement in antiviolence training.

After 911 Children's press filmed him working with New York youth about the trauma of the 911 catastrophe. 

 While  on  the ETVV County Task force, and the Etvv Technology committee  he assisted in administration of  a 250,000 dollar grant for technology later  being admitted as a East Texas virtual village project partner micro enterprise,  He has extensive experience with victim services and handling anti violence programs. 


Having been recognized 9 times, once by the United States Department of Justice Office for Victims of crime, His name is honored in the Texas legislature.

He has also been recognized by Governor Perry's office for his "commitment and generosity to community  in the Lone star State". By State Representative Chuck Hopson for his leadership and work in  rural and community development.

 By Congressman Jeb Henserling for his involvement in Humanitarian causes  and Senator Cornyn. He has been listed in Who's Who in America 57th edition. 

2011 recognized for providing support in training federal employees.

In 2007 He was    recognized by the senate state of Texas member, Senator Nichols

 In 2006 by United States Department of Justice Office for Victims of Crime.

In  2005 by  The Texas legislature for his invaluable contributions, Which states in part: WHEREAS, Master M J Hughes has greatly contributed to the quality of life in Cherokee County, and his efforts are truly admirable.  He has also been recognized by Governor Perry's office for his "commitment and generosity to community  in the Lone star State".

By State Representative Chuck Hopson for his leadership and work in  rural and community development.   And Congressman Jeb Henserling for his involvement in Humanitarian causes  and Senator Cornyn. He has been listed in Who's Who in America 57th edition. 
Founder of the National Meditation center for World Peace his work has touched the lives of several generations. He has been contacted by agencies such as MaHa bodi society, Hazrat Mohammad of India, and Daniel Markell casting producer of wife swap who stated, "I'm extremely impressed with yours life's work".

 Born Texas 1956 Involved since Youth in humanitarian work he is an accomplished Marital arts Master having studied Karate Tae Kwon Do, Judo, Jiu-jitsu, originally certified by Korean Master.  Graduate from University of Texas Bachelor in Criminology and Masters in Technology Training and Education.

 A student once asked him the age old question of who are you? Master Hughes replied " I am the sum of everything and the sum of nothing, ''leaving the student baffled.
Master Hughes  is a content expert in Asian Meditation so unique that Area Professors, Teachers , Psychologist, and Doctors  have come to the center seeking Information on these subjects.

Humanitarian expertise
 Master Hughes has been involved   and active with victims and juveniles  services for 20 years. He  has traveled to the Philippines, where he  personally witnessed child slavery.  

Bio  There have been over 44 articles on the center's programs. Master Hughes has been contacted by news agencies such as the Washington post , and most recently in a article in the Houston Chronicle.
 Zen in Houston Texas, Conroe and the Woodlands TX Buddhist Houston, and Buddhism in Houston.

Master Hughes in New york Master Hughes in New York Master Hughes at NASA Master Hughes at NASA