: From left, Sensei M.J. Hughes, his son Dano Shen, 5, signal their willingness to be cleansed spiritually by
pouring water over a rock. (Staff Photo By D.J. Peters)
PATRICK BUTLER, Religion Writer
The national meditation center for World Peace in Jacksonville is
not an expansive, sprawling complex.
It is not richly adorned with artifacts on the walls. It does not
have a large parking lot - it doesn't even have many symbols on the
exterior that shout religion of any kind, except for a small, stone
water basin with a rock in the center of it on the side of the
building. Every Buddhist knows what the water is for.
There isn't much to the very basic structure of the center, but it
has this: the Sensei, or teacher, in charge is very serious about
what he's doing and committed to the path of excellence. Everything
about the simplicity of the place lends itself to that focus, which
is a key word in the Buddhist practices.
Master M.J. Hughes, 47, the tall Sensei of the martial arts, and
director of the center for the last 17 years, appears perpetually
enthusiastic about life. He loves the benefits of the discipline and
focus in the lives of his students, who primarily come to the center
to benefit from his 30 years of study in the martial arts, 7th Dan
level black belt and master instructor rating in Jujitsu.
"I'll try to explain Buddhism to you," he says laughing, "but it's
not all that easy to understand. It's not that hard either, but it
is different from what most people around here are used to."
A native Texan, who holds an associates degree from Lon Morris, a
bachelors in criminology and a masters in technology and development
from The University of Texas at Tyler, Hughes became interested in
the East and Eastern perspective when his father was stationed in
Asia during the Vietnam war.
"He sent many interesting items home from Asia and that got me
intrigued into who these people were," he said. "He also was my
first Jujitsu teacher and got me started in the martial arts."
Hughes, dressed in his red-trimmed black Kujudogi, (pronounced Koo-doh-gee)
surveys the basketball-court-sized interior of the building. Black
is the symbol of poverty in Zen. The red trim is the school's color
for the women students, and he is their teacher, so he wears both
"Normally you wouldn't have the martial arts mat in the same room
where you mediate, but we're Zen Buddhists," he laughs, "so we're
Starting with the basics, Hughes interprets the Buddhist philosophy.
"First, its important to understand that Buddha is not God," he
said. "You don't worship Buddha. What the word literally means is to
'awaken' or 'the essence.' The idea is that one can find the essence
through reflection and mediation."
There are some key words in Buddhism to be aware of, he said. "A
Dharma is a general teaching. A Sutra is also a teaching, but it's a
specific written one," he said. Nirvana literally means to
'extinguish the fire.'"
There are three main character qualities the center focuses on that
reflect Asian and Buddhist thought, he said "Honor, respect and
"For instance, in the Asian culture, you don't call people by their
first names," he said. "As a teen, I studied martial arts under
Master Kim for years and I still refer to him that way, out of
There are forms of Buddhism like there are denominations of
churches, he said.
"I lean towards Zen," he said," because it lacks hierarchy and that
appeals to me. One of the main ideas in Zen," he said, "is 'the
moment.' The moment is special. "You seize the moment because there
is really no present," he said. "Time is fluid and keeps moving, the
present is gone before you realize it. In meditation we try to seize
the moment, which is what the word 'Haiku' means, like the poem.
good Haiku freezes a moment in time. You can read a Haiku from 1,000
years ago, and it will let you experience what the writer was going
through in that moment of time." It's that aspect of revelation that
cannot be taught to others, he said.
"In Zen you could study forever and not understand the Sutras," he
Which leads to the concept of what a "teacher" is in Zen. "No
person who practices Zen should ever want to become a teacher," he
said. "That's not the goal. I didn't aspire to be a teacher. There
is no such thing as Buddhist certification. That's why you don't see
licensing agencies all around that pump out Zen teachers. I became a
teacher out of necessity because, for East Texas, we're it when it
comes to having a meditation center.
Our intent was to start a
temple, not gather power for myself. We try not to create a lot of
Asian philosophy and illustration is unique for creating
understanding, he said. It starts people thinking about meaning.
"For instance," he said, "one story goes that two monks come to a
river and they meet a woman who cannot cross it. The old monk
carries the woman across. As they go on their way, the young monk
says, 'I cannot believe you dared to touch a woman.' The old monk
replies, 'It is not I who still carries her.'" There is a high value
placed on individual perception and revelation, he said.
"Zen is highly intuitive. We try to avoid condemnation," he said.
"In order to 'see,' you have to experience it yourself. That is
actually why the martial arts are part of it." "Jujitsu is a vehicle
for intuition development," he said. His wife, Aime Hughes, born in
the Philippines, and son Dano Shen, 5, come to the mat to help give
"Jujitsu is called 'the gentle art' Hughes said. "The emphasis is
not on force, like in sport Karate. The idea is," he said, while
deftly moving out of the way of a thrown fist by Mrs. Hughes, "not
to overcome force with force, but be like water." The diminutive
Mrs. Hughes then throws the much larger Master Hughes to the mat,
using the force of his own motion to unbalance him as he comes
directly at her.
"True power is ultimately not physical," he said getting up. "The
object is to think and understand. Jujitsu teaches that there are
more way to approach things, and helps the students get confidence,
become the master of themselves and turn them into leaders."
The Noble Eightfold Path of Buddhism is called the 'way' and is
defined as cultivating certain character qualities.
"We strive for right view, right intention, right speech, right
conduct, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness and right
concentration," he said. People come to the meditation center for a
variety of reasons, Hughes said. "When we started years ago, I was
only training law enforcement officers and prison guards in martial
arts. They were so happy about it, they brought their kids and the
word got out," he said. "Soon we had all sorts of kids coming and
then abused women and girls who needed their self-esteem and
confidence built up too." The training helps settle problems of many
types, Hughes said.
"Most young people come for the martial arts training," he said. "We
keep the meditation and Buddhism separated from that for the most
part. Other people bring their youth here because the kids have ADD
(attention deficit disorder), or they want the focus and quiet for
their kids that our philosophy brings them. For the abused women,
working with men who have proper respect for them is healing just in
itself," he said. Buddhism is called the middle path, Hughes said,
between asceticism and mysticism. "This is what the Buddha did," he
said. "He helped us get started because there is so much more in
finding truth and awakening. Life is a long process and there are no
quick sayings to make it 'micro-waved' into quick perfection. We are
such an impatient society."
One thing that people don't understand about Buddhism is their view
of Christians, Hughes said. "There is no prohibition in Buddhism
about being a Christian at all," he said. "As far as we're
concerned, you can go to church all you want, and worship God any
way you see fit."
His martial arts students range anywhere from age 7 up to 18. He
also teaches some adults. "I judge that I have a 90 percent success
rate with the kids, who often come to me from underprivileged homes,
have terrible self-identity problems, or have even been referred to
me by doctors," he said.
"When you have someone say to you, 'you did so much for me to help
me in my life,' that is what really is gratifying to me and makes
life worthwhile," he said. "That's better than gold. Why make
yourself crazy chasing material things all your life, when the real
gold is right in front of you?" The wall of his office is papered
with commendations, degrees and certificates of thanks for community
One from 2002 is from Gov. Rick Perry, for 'remarkable volunteer
service' and for standing 'as a sterling example to all in our great
state.' Perry's certificate said "I commend your commitment and your
generosity." There are many others he has that he never bothered to
put up, he said.
"For 17 years we've been focused on community service," he said.
"That's just who I am. I just love to help people, and that's what
life is all about to me." The Asian community is growing in East
Texas, he said.
"There are hundreds of people from the Philippines, right here in
Cherokee County, he said. "There are people from Vietnam, Cambodia
and China. There are a lot more here than you think," he said.
And some feel lost in East Texas. "Asians and Buddhists are really
quiet people as a rule," he said. "They're not going to say much, or
attract attention to themselves. Some are afraid to say that they're
Buddhists because they fear reprisals. Some fear they will lose
their jobs."
The temple attracts many of those types of people on a rotating
basis, he said. "We've always been open for those people to come and
go, as they need us, as they want to come. Everyone is invited.
That's what the stone and water in the front are all about."
The bamboo cup and water that can be found in temples throughout
Asia are symbolic for anyone who wants to come and cleanse
themselves at the temple. The water is poured over the rock as a
sign of willingness to be cleansed spiritually.
"Anybody is welcome," he said. "This place is here to help people
take responsibility for their lives. We're here to continue on the
Patrick Butler covers religion. email: religion@tylerpaper.com